About Us

The Palmerston Regional Business Association


The Palmerston Regional Business Association (PRBA) was established in September 1998 and has continued to grow and welcome a broad membership from across Darwin, Palmerston, rural and surrounding areas.

PRBA’s main aim is to promote and support local business and the community. We achieve this by actively engaging with an extensive network of contacts in business, Government and the community.

We act as a central communications hub which allows businesses and organisations to easily support each other and to maximise available and new opportunities. We can also organise and facilitate meetings for members with politicians, Government Officials and business leaders.

PRBA events are generally held on the second Tuesday of every month at exciting locations and, as well as being social, include regular business updates and guest speakers. The PRBA newsletter which is distributed quarterly by post and online also provides important updates and the opportunity for members to be introduced and their products and/or services showcased.

The Association is proud to support diverse local community groups and regularly donates funds raised at events to various charities and community groups.

Headed by President Alecia Howland, the PRBA committee meets once a month and is made up of active business people who are elected each year at our Annual General Meeting.

The Association is strongly supported by many local businesses who provide generous sponsorships. We would like to acknowledge and thank all our sponsors for their continued support of the PRBA.

A special thanks to 7Darwin who provide airtime for our Members Update. This is a valuable tool which helps our members and community groups get their community messages on air.



Alecia Howland





Colin Southam





Cheryl Mallet






Niki Lehmann





Steve Beuthke





Matthew McNamara






Our Amazing



